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The Future Is Here

AI-Based Decentralized
Fundraising & Marketplace

DFund AI aims to offer corporate and individual users a smart, secure, transparent and efficient way to invest in AI projects and rent or purchase AI models without any central agency.

DFund AI

DFund AI, a Web3 platform, offers a financing tool and a marketplace for promoting and marketing artificial intelligence models. Investors can contribute to the development of AI technology and potentially earn a profit by investing in projects selected by. The platform provides many advantages to its traders, allowing them to invest in AI models and contribute to future technological developments.


DFund AI is a platform for tokenized companies producing artificial intelligence models to attract investment through public tours. Projects must have produced AI models, have a company structure, and have founding capital to be considered. Applications are subject to AI-based pre-screening and final review by the DFund AI team. Successful projects meet the launch conditions and are introduced to the public.

Algorithmic Tier

Fundraising platforms use a 'tier' system that allows users to access projects at different stages with varying advantages. Users are divided into different tier levels, with higher levels being reserved for those who contribute more or show greater interest. Typically, tiers are static, but users who stake their tokens can be included in specific tiers. However, DFund AI has an innovative algorithmic tier system where levels depend on the number of users and tokens staked. This fully dynamic structure allows levels to change with each new user who stakes their tokens, increasing investor competition and the token's value. Investors can learn more about potential investment opportunities with our algorithmic tier system and stake multipliers. They can follow the system live from the Tier Panel and see their latest status in a potential investment round. In addition, investors will have the opportunity to trade to increase their tier status.


DFund AI Marketplace will serve as a decentralized Web3 platform where manufacturers or developers can present their AI models to corporate or individual users and where users can test, rent or purchase them. Manufacturers can easily promote their AI models on this platform, reach different users, and earn income by renting or selling the models.

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